Barbie’s Whole30 Weekly Meal Plan | Week 2 Recap
{Monday 1/9/2017}
- Frittata muffins made with green beans, mushrooms, and red bell pepper
- Coffee black
- Coconut Cream Pie LaraBar
- Baked chicken breast with mixed greens salad topped with Tessemae’s Balsamic Dressing
How I felt: I felt energized throughout the day and decided to do my first high-intensity treadmill workout since starting Whole30. At first, I felt strong and energized but halfway through I began to feel very tired out and a bit light headed. After my workout I developed a bad headache that lasted the rest of the night and my entire body was extremely sore and I did not sleep well.

{Tuesday 1/10/2017}
- Frittata muffins made with green beans, mushrooms, and red bell pepper
- Coffee black
- Baked chicken with mixed greens salad topped with Tessemae’s Balsamic Dressing
- Sliced orange
- Lemon La Croix
- Banana Bread LaraBar
- Chicken Caesar Spaghetti Squash Bake
- Lime Perrier
How I felt: I felt good today. My headache from yesterday thankfully subsided and I had steady energy throughout the day. My appetite seems to be adjusted to my new diet now and I am experiencing far less cravings. I also added a daily probiotic to my routine and it has helped with the digestive issues that I was experiencing during week one.

{Wednesday 1/11/2017}
- Frittata muffins made with green beans, mushrooms, and red bell pepper
- Coffee black
- Leftover Chicken Caesar Spaghetti Squash Bake
- Small pack of carrots
- Lime Perrier
- Grass-fed Beef Burger Patty topped with Roasted Shaved Brussels Sprouts and Crispy Shallots (Whole30 Cookbook but adapted to be made with ingredients I had on hand)
- Lemon La Croix
How I felt: I felt energized today and tackled a lot on my to-do list. My meals were satisfying and I felt good until the evening. We went to our weekly trivia night with friends, which I knew would be full of temptations given that everyone would be having drinks and eating cheeseburgers with fries. We stuck to water, but I think drinking three glasses of water during trivia ended up making me extremely bloated by bedtime and I had a terrible stomachache.

{Thursday 1/12/2017}
- Grapefruit
- Half an avocado with salt, pepper, red chili flakes, and lemon
- Coffee with Kelapo’s mix of coconut oil and ghee
- Chicken salad
- Sweet Potato Applesauce Mash
- Lemon La Croix
- Lemon Bar LaraBar
- Garlic Shrimp in Coconut Milk, Tomatoes and Cilantro
- Coconut La Croix
How I felt: I felt good most of the day and have enjoyed trying out new recipes and learning to make a ton of new dishes from scratch. It’s a great feeling to know every ingredient that goes into what you’re eating!

* We love MegaFood Multi Vitamins For Women!
{Friday 1/13/2017}
- Banana Bread LaraBar
- Coffee with French Vanilla Unsweetened Nutpod (Seriously, these Nutpod‘s are our favorite! We just ordered some more from Amazon and will continue to drink them even when not on Whole30!)
- Apple with almond butter and cinnamon
- Sweet potato and applesauce mash
- Baked salmon with broccoli carrot pineapple raisin slaw
- Coconut La Croix
- Turmeric Gold Pukka Organic Tea (We love this tea!!!)
How I felt: I had a ton of errands to get done today and felt like I was rushing from one to another, so my breakfast and lunch meals definitely weren’t the most nutritious and didn’t follow the recommended format of a protein source with mostly vegetables. I felt fine today, but honestly this entire week two has been kind of “meh”. I don’t feel much different than I did prior to Whole30, other than being able to fall asleep much quicker.

{Saturday 1/14/2017}
- Scrambled eggs with Whole30 compliant Paleo bacon
- Coffee black
- Green smoothie with spinach, avocado, apple, frozen banana, frozen mango, flax seeds, and coconut water
- Sweet potato applesauce mash
- “Devils on Horseback” – Priscuitto wrapped prunes filled with macadamia nut “cheese” topped with a balsamic drizzle (Recipe by Nom Nom Paleo)
- Carrot and Leek Soup
- Roasted Asparagus with Lemon and Garlic
- Sauteed Balsamic Mushrooms with Rosemary
- Buffalo Chicken Casserole
- Balsamic Beef Roast with Veggies
- *** All of these AMAZING recipes can be found on our Whole30 Dinner Party Menu Post!
How I felt: I felt great today! I was energized during my forty-five minute spin class and still had a ton of energy afterwards. We had a potluck style Whole30 dinner party and shared delicious recipes as well as touched base on how we all were doing at the halfway point in our Whole30 journey. It’s been so awesome to have a support group to keep me motivated and on track. Thanks again to our amazing husbands Stephanie Drenka and Loubies & Lulu! By 9:00 p.m. I was exhausted and ready for bed!

{Sunday 1/15/2017}
- Sweet potato toast with sliced avocado and tomato
- Coffee black
- Yellow Curry Bowl with Lamb Meatballs (HG SPLY CO. – great Whole30 options!)
- Water
- Homemade kale chips with evoo, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika
- Baked salmon with sauteed garlic spinach
- Lemon La Croix
How I felt: I felt energized and focused today. I did a HIIT treadmill workout at the gym and didn’t get a terrible headache afterwards like my last workout.
Whole30 Essentials
Whole30 Lessons Learned
- Invest in Tupperware! I am so glad we invested in a good set of tupperware at the beginning of Whole30. We use it literally everyday as we are constantly saving leftovers to take to work for lunch or to save for dinner the following day. I love having a set with containers in a variety of sizes and have used them for saving everything from extra tomato paste to coconut milk that was left over from a recipe that didn’t call for the entire can.
- Explore your city! We’ve discovered that things can get a little boring on the weekends during Whole30 when all of your friends are doing things that involve grabbing a drink or when all of your usual favorite restaurants are no longer an option due to a lack of Whole30 compliant options. Thus, it’s be fun to get creative and explore our city by finding events and places to check out that don’t necessarily involve drinking or eating.
- Keep your meals interesting! I would not be able to complete all thirty days of Whole30 if we just had baked chicken with broccoli or baked salmon with spinach every night. As a foodie, food is something that I take pleasure in and I enjoy making creative dishes that incorporate interesting flavors and exciting ingredients. Thus, for me, it’s been absolutely essential to keep my meals interesting and creative going into week two of Whole30. That being said, for some people sticking to the basics and keeping the menu simple is what works and that is totally fine – do what works for you!
- Fuel your body! I’ve realized I absolutely need to have a small snack before and/or after I workout while on Whole30. When I don’t adequately fuel my body prior to and after my workouts, I’ve ended up with terrible migraines that last the remainder of the day and into the night.
Are you on Whole30? Have favorite Whole30 recipes? Share with us in the comments below!
You can also have some healthy high quality brewed teas from olinda .